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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kris White Interview, Part 2, plus Season 4 Finale Speculations and Spoilers

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On this special mid-week episode, the JoshMeister and Kylene roleplay part two of Congested's three-part interview with Kris White, host and producer of The Official LOST Podcast. the JoshMeister and fellow LOST fans also discuss Josh's predictions and speculations about the Season 4 finale and spoilers from The Official LOST Podcast.

Listen to Part 1 of the Kris White interview
Listen to Part 2 of the Kris White interview, plus tJM's Season 4 finale speculations and spoilers
Subscribe to the podcast to be sure to get all segments of the interview!

Show notes for this edition of the podcast:
  • Part 2 of 3, Kris White interview by Congested from Audibly Lost
  • Make sure to watch the special rebroadcast of the first part of the season finale, "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1," which contains additional footage of questions at the Oceanic press event
    • Josh will be sure to discuss the extended scene on Thursday's live podcast
  • At whom did Ben flash the mirror? At Richard Alpert? Why?
    • Josh thinks the most likely answer is that Ben signaled Richard Alpert that he was going to The Orchid to turn himself in, and that he would need backup; hence the Others with guns later in the episode
    • Was Richard Alpert at the Temple when Ben flashed the mirror at him? According to the (non-canon) LOST: Via Domus version of the blast door map, the Temple is near The Orchid. Ben told Richard to take the Others to the Temple in the Season 3 finale, and we haven't seen Richard on-island since then until this episode.
  • Why did Richard Alpert and the Others capture Kate and Sayid? To make sure they were out of the way so the Others could have the element of surprise in their coming attack on Keamy and his team?
  • Christina (MsAmaris) points out a YouTube video that attempts to put all the flashforwards so far in chronological order (although there's some debate about the order of certain scenes)
Note: The remainder of this post contains spoilers.
  • According to The Official LOST Podcast, we'll be treated to the following in Parts 2 and 3 of "There's No Place Like Home":
    • We'll find out who's in the coffin
    • There will be another electromagnetic event, and the sky will turn purple again
      • Josh thinks this will occur when John Locke successfully moves the island
      • Josh thinks that Locke's moving the island is the reason why Charles Widmore doesn't know where it is anymore in the flashforward where Ben talks with Charles
    • We're going to find out who's responsible for the bomb on the freighter
      • The most likely answer seems to be that Keamy did it, since he has a strange-looking metronome gadget strapped to his arm; presumably, if Keamy dies, the whole ship will blow up
    • We'll see what the inside of The Orchid station looks like
    • We'll get the full version of the orientation film for The Orchid (as opposed to the unedited/partially edited version of the Orchid film that was first shown last year at Comic-Con 2007)
    • There will be more flashforwards of the Oceanic Six members
  • Additional (mostly spoilery) notes from this week's Official LOST Podcast:
    • Someone wrote in to ask about antipodes. Based on Carlton Cuse's answer, Tunisia (where a polar bear and Ben have both appeared) may be located at the antipode of where the island is located.
    • Damon Lindelof: "we'll probably be seeing Walt again"
    • Damon suggested that it was fate that caused the accident when Jack was about to commit suicide in the Season 3 finale flashforward, indicating that the person who asked the question was correct in guessing that the island was keeping Jack alive just like it's keeping Michael alive.
    • Damon also said that Benjamin Linus and Charles Widmore are unable to kill each other and made reference to the "rules," stating that "...they know that unless the island is done with them, they cannot be killed, especially by each other."

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Podcast Posted for There's No Place Like Home, Part 1

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The MP3 has now been posted for the live post-episode discussion of Season 4 Episode 12, "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1." Refer to the complete show outline, posted previously, for notes on some of the discussed topics. Among the topics from this week's live discussion: Who was Ben signaling with the mirror, and what did the signal mean? Who set up the explosives on the freighter and why? For what purpose did Richard Alpert and The Others capture Kate and Sayid, and why didn't they capture Jack and Sawyer when they passed by a little while earlier?

Download MP3 Now! (30 minutes)

Tune in live each week after LOST airs in the Pacific time zone (fans from all time zones are welcome)! Just go to talkshoe.com at that time, or call in at (724) 444-7444 and enter 16338 when asked for the Call ID.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yankees-Red Sox Article Narrows Flash Forward Timeline

Hey everyone, this is Master Nak. I've been on the podcast and posted comments in the past. the JoshMeister asked me to be a contributor to the blog starting with my thoughts on "Something Nice Back Home."

The newspaper article shown in Jack's flash forward (titled "Yankees bludgeon Red Sox in Series Sweep") caught my eye. The headline rung a bell; I had a hunch it was from the 2007 season. I did a search of "Yankees sweep Red Sox" on Google, and found this article that confirmed my suspicion.

Much of the text in the article shown on TV was taken directly from this real-life edition of the New York Times. For example, this part was in both the actual newspaper clipping and the one on the show:
"It was good, because as a team, we're behind," said Robinson Canó, who smashed two opposite-field home runs against Curt Schilling. "We need to start winning some games if we want to make the playoffs. We’re a half-game up for the wild card, but we're not worried about the wild card. We're just trying to win games."
The name "Suzy Allman" appears in the Lost version. After looking up her name, I discovered that she is in fact a photographer for the NY Times.

Assuming that the date of the newspaper article is the date on which the flash forward is taking place, that would make it August 31st, 2007.

However, after taking a closer look at both articles, I found some discrepancies between them. The opening paragraph of the Lost version says the Yankees "rampaged into Fenway Park and won three games to bury the Boston Red Sox." Actually, the series this is referring to (in August 2006, one year earlier) was 5 games, not 3. This could easily be passed off as a simple mistake, but the next thing I noticed put the actual date of the newspaper in question.

The score box right below the Yankees-Red Sox piece was for the Angels vs. the Astros. The Angels are an American League team and the Astros are a National League team, meaning they would rarely play each other. They did, in fact, play each other in 2007, but the 3 game series was from June 18th - June 20th - not at the end of August. How, then, do we know for certain that the paper is supposed to be from August 31st?

At any rate, it still appears as if the year is supposed to be 2007.

Supporting evidence:
  • The newpaper in Jack's lap in the Season 3 finale flash forward was based off of the April 5th, 2007 edition of the LA Times.
  • Considering how big Aaron is, 2007 would make sense - he would be about two and a half years old. If these flash forwards were in 2005 as some speculate, the kid would be pretty huge for a one-year-old.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Kris White Interview, Part 1

[Listen to this episode!] [Subscribe to the MP3 feed via iTunes]

Today we have a special treat! Congested from the Audibly Lost blog (and a frequent participant in the live chat on the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast and other shows) has conducted an interview with Kris White, host and producer of The Official LOST Podcast. Since the interview was conducted via e-mail, Congested has graciously permitted me to roleplay the interview to make it available in an audio format.

You can listen now, or better yet subscribe to the podcast to be sure to get the other segments of the interview!

Do you have a product or service that you'd like to market to thousands of LOST fans? Find out how you can become a sponsor of this blog and podcast! Send an e-mail to thelostmeister+marketing at gmail dot com.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

There's No Place Like Home, Part 1 Discussion

[Listen to this episode!] [Subscribe to the MP3 feed via iTunes]

In this episode of the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast, the JoshMeister and other LOST fans discuss Season 4 Episode 12, "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1," the first part of the Season 4 finale.

LOST news and additional notes on past episodes:
  • Jorge Garcia (the actor who plays Hurley) posted to his blog a photograph of the heiroglyphics wall in Ben's secret room that shows some of the symbols more clearly (see this post for some possible interpretations of the heiroglyphics)
  • Strong evidence that Danielle is really dead comes via DarkUFO and the Lostpedia forums. Apparently, Mira Furlan (the actress who plays Danielle) asked to be written out of the show. The actress's husband stated in an interview in a Croatian magazine that his wife "got island fever ... so she made a deal with the producers to kill her character off." When asked how she was killed off, he said "Shot her. But, her character is pretty popular with fans of the series, so they [left the] possibility for [a] comeback next season."
  • Also via DarkUFO, The Hollywood Reporter recently interviewed Damon Lindelof, who said that the original plan of 16 episodes for seasons 4 through 6 has been slightly modified. Since this season is actually 14 episodes due to the strike (counting next week's 2-hour finale as 2 episodes, as is customary), the next two seasons will now be 17 episodes each
There's No Place Like Home, Part 1 notes:
  • Flashforward:
    • Oceanic Six on plane, woman who represents Oceanic arrives at military base
    • They all seem distraught, Sun says "We are in shock, Jack"
  • Present:
    • Jack and the gang on the beach debate about whether to follow the chopper or to call them via the satellite phone
    • Daniel listens on the satellite phone and hears Keamy ordering Frank to put the chopper down and that they're going to The Orchid
    • Daniel privately tells Charlotte that "they're using the Secondary Protocol" - "We have to get off the island. Right now."
    • Jack and Kate go off toward the chopper, Jack starts bleeding from his surgical wound
    • They run into Sawyer who warns them that Keamy shot up New Otherton
  • Flashforward:
    • The Oceanic Six answer reporters' questions at a press conference
      • One of them asks Sun about her husband, and she says that "he never made it off the plane"
      • One questions Kate about having a baby on the island, and challenges her that she must have been 6 months pregnant when the U.S. marshall arrested her
    • After the press conference, Sayid is surprised and happy to see that Nadia was there waiting outside for him; they kiss and embrace
  • Present:
    • Sayid comes back to the island on a small motor-powered raft to warn the people on the beach that the men on the chopper had every intention of killing them all

    • Ben tells Hurley that they're going to a greenhouse
    • Ben: Moving the island "is both dangerous and unpredictable. It's a measure of last resort."
    • Ben uses a mirror from a hidden DHARMA box to flash signals at someone off in the distance, wouldn't tell John who or why
      • Who and why? Richard Alpert? Harper, perhaps? One theory is that Ben was signaling Richard to let him know that he was going to The Orchid and would need backup once he got there (hence The Others with their guns later in the episode)

    • Daniel takes Sun, Jin, Aaron, and a few others back to the freighter via the motorboat
  • Flashforward:
    • Sun uses her crash settlement money to buy a controlling interest in her father's company - now she's the boss! She's angry with her father because he's the reason that Jin got on the plane.

    • Hurley's dad gives him the Camaro for his birthday
      • The mileage is 481516, and the trip mileage is 234.2 (The Numbers!) which causes Hurley to freak out and run down the street
  • Present:
    • Ben admits that he knows why Charles Widmore is trying to get to the island
    • Ben spots Keamy's crew camping out at The Orchid in camouflage

    • Daniel and the people on the raft arrive back at the boat, Desmond helps them, Daniel heads back to the island
    • Sun and Jin see Michael and he hangs his head in shame

    • Jack and Sawyer find Frank handcuffed in the chopper
  • Flashforward:
    • Woman tells Jack after his father's funeral that "I believe I'm the reason he was in Australia when he died"
      • The woman is Claire's mom, and she tells Jack that her daughter was on the plane, and she says her daughter's name was Claire
      • The woman then walks past Kate and Aaron (the woman's grandson, unbeknownst to her) and tells her that she has a beautiful baby
  • Present:
    • Michael denies that he works for Ben
    • Desmond finds that the freighter is wired with lots of C4 explosives, and shows Michael, who seems surprised
      • Who set up the explosives? Keamy? Is that why he had the device strapped to his arm, so that if he dies the whole boat will blow up? Or maybe this was part of Ben's real plan for blowing up the ship
    • Richard Alpert and lots of Others come out of the woods with lots of guns and stop Sayid and Kate, who were trying to find Jack and Sawyer
      • The Others take Sayid and Kate captive
        • Why? Sawyer and Jack had just walked by a little while ago, and The Others didn't stop them. Why stop Kate and Sayid? To protect them? To recruit them to help The Others save Ben?

    • Ben tells Locke his plan for how to get inside The Orchid and walks right up to Keamy to turn himself in
    Screenshots and Easter Eggs:

    • DarkUFO's screenshots showing the Oceanic Airlines press event, including:
      • The photograph that seems to show the Oceanic Six arriving on an island with someone pulling their luggage out of the water
      • Maps of where Oceanic claims the plane crashed, the island of Membata where they arrived and were stranded after the crash, and Sumba, the island where they were supposedly rescued
    • Dan Faraday's notebook, including:
      • A page with several equations, a sketch of the Orchid Station logo, and the phrases "TimeLike FACTOR" and "SpaceLike Factors"
      • Another page with diagrams and the words "Using Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (V1R1) removes the singularity at R=Zm. As R gets smaller - light cones tip over"
      • (For more screenshots of Daniel's equations, etc., see this post)
    • Ben's trunk, DHARMA box, and mirror
The remainder of this post may contain spoilers.
  • Official LOST Podcast:
    • We'll learn more about Charlotte's character in the season finale
    • As has been mentioned previously, we'll find out who's in the coffin in the finale, and also there will be another electromagnetic event that will make the sky turn purple (which I'm guessing will be how Locke moves the island)
  • Preview:
    • A man says "We're losing fuel! Do not go back to the island!"
    • It looks like Kate is on a helicopter

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cabin Fever Discussion

[Listen to this episode!] [Subscribe to the MP3 feed via iTunes]

In this episode of the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast, the JoshMeister and other LOST fans discuss Season 4 Episode 11, "Cabin Fever".

Cabin Fever notes:
  • Flashback:
    • A teenage girl, Emily, is 6 months pregnant when she gets hit by a car and is taken to the hospital
    • We find out that Emily is John Locke's mom
  • Present:
    • Wait, the doctor is still alive? (So far)
    • Keamy can't kill Michael; he tries to shoot him but the gun jams! This seems to be even more confirmation that the island really won't let Michael die

    • Horace Goodspeed (to Locke in a dream): "You gotta find me, and when you do you'll find Jacob"
    • Ben to Locke: "I used to have dreams"
  • Flashback:
    • John had infections, pneumonia, but overcame all obstacles, and the nurses called him a "miracle baby"
    • Richard Alpert (young and spry as ever) was there watching when John was about to be taken out of the incubator
  • Present:
    • John shows Hurley the DHARMA Initiative bodies
  • Flashback:
    • John (age 5) is playing Backgammon
    • Richard shows up, says he runs a school for kids who are very special, and points out John's smoke drawing on the wall
      • Is this supposed to be the smoke monster, or a smoke cloud billowing from an explosion?
    • Richard puts several items on a table in front of John, asking John to indentify which items already belong to him
      • The items are a compass, a vial containing what looks like sand (at first, I thought it was perhaps volcanic ash), a Book of Laws, a knife, a baseball glove, and a comic book (see photos here)
      • John identifies all except the baseball glove and comic book as his own, and the last object he picks is the knife
      • Richard tells John: "no it doesn't" - the knife doesn't belong to him - and leaves, apparently disappointed
        • What is the significance of the knife? Does it symbolize something? Perhaps the island doesn't want Locke to be a knife-wielder
  • Present:
    • John finds the body of "Horace Mathematician" (as his jumpsuit identifies him) and finds blueprints for a cabin; according to John's dream, Horace was building it, but apparently this somehow became Jacob's cabin

    • Keamy forces Captain Gault to let him release the "Secondary protocol" which will tell Keamy "where Linus is going"
      • There was a DHARMA logo in the folder - the same one on Ben's parka (presumably the Orchid Station logo)
    • The captain asks Keamy how Widmore would know where Ben would go, and Keamy says "Widmore is a very smart man," and says that if they're going to torch the island, that's where Linus will go

    • Omar gets Morse code, and the doc is still alive at the time
    • Captain is willing to help Sayid to rescue the people on the island
  • Flashback:
    • John (age 16) is mocked by his peers
    • The school got a call from Portland, Mittelos Laboratories, Dr. Alpert wants John to go to science camp (they also sent a pamphlet; see a picture here)
    • Locke's teacher, Gellert, tells Locke that he'll never be the quarterback or anything like that, and he might as well face that he's going to be the science nerd working in a laboratory; this is the earliest time in John's life where we've heard him say "Don't ever tell me what I can't do!"
  • Present:
    • Michael tells Frank Lapidus that Keamy is going to kill everybody on the island, which Frank didn't seem to already know
    • Frank hadn't heard that Widmore planted the fake plane
    • Ben: "there are consequences to being chosen"
    • Hurley is the first to see the cabin
  • Flashback:
    • Matthew Abaddon tells John he needs to go on a walkabout
    • Abaddon: "I'm a lot more than just an orderly, John"
    • Abaddon: "When we meet each other again you'll owe me one"
  • Present:
    • Desmond watches as Keamy slit the doctor's throat
    • Keamy shoots and kills Captain Gault and forces Frank to fly the helicopter
    • Frank drops a satellite phone set to show the distance between the phone and Keamy's crew, presumably as a warning so the folks at the beach could stay safely away from Keamy; however, Jack interprets it as meaning that the people on the helicopter want those on the beach to come find them!
    • Ben: "My time is over, John. The time is yours now."
    • Christian says he's not Jacob, but can speak on his behalf
    • Christian is not wearing his typical suit as whenever Jack sees him; he's wearing the shirt he wore when he came to Claire and Aaron
      • What would Christian wear if he saw both Jack and Claire at the same time? ;o)
    • Claire was in the cabin, and Christian tells John not to tell anyone that he saw her
    • Claire was acting strangely; is she now dead like her father?
    • John asks the right question: "How do I save the island?"
    • After exiting the cabin, John tells Ben: "He wants us to move the island"
The remainder of this post may contain spoilers.
  • Official LOST Podcast:
    • We're going to find out who's in the coffin in the season finale
  • Preview:
    • Kate with a gun
    • Kate with baby Aaron
    • A woman's voice says "They're calling you the Oceanic Six"
  • From SpoilerFix.com:
    • The next episode is Episode 4.12: There's No Place Like Home, Part 1 (Season finale, part 1)

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