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Monday, January 26, 2009

Kris White Interview, Part 3, plus Season 4 Finale Discussion

[Listen to this episode!] [Subscribe to the MP3 feed via iTunes]

In this episode, the JoshMeister roleplays part three (the final part) of Congested's interview with Kris White, host and producer of The Official LOST Podcast. the JoshMeister and fellow LOST fans also discuss the Season 4 finale, "There's No Place Like Home" Parts 2 and 3.

Listen to Part 1 of the Kris White interview
Listen to Part 2 of the Kris White interview, plus tJM's Season 4 finale speculations and spoilers
Listen to Part 3 of the Kris White interview, plus tJM's Season 4 finale discussion
Subscribe to the podcast to be sure to get all segments of the interview!

Show notes for this edition of the podcast:
  • Part 3 of 3, Kris White interview by Congested from Audibly Lost
  • PART 2 of the Season 4 Finale - Notes
  • Flashforward:
    • Starts where Season 3 ends
    • Jeremy Bentham - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bentham - man whose name was in the newspaper, the man in the coffin
    • Kate: "You believed him, him of all people"
    • Jack: "He said that was the only way I could keep you safe, you and Aaron."
    • Kate: "Don't you say his name!"
    • Kate: 3 years since they've been home
    • Kate: "How dare you ask me to go back!"

  • Present:
    • Jack and Sawyer at Orchid
    • Locke is trying to find way into Orchid?

    • Desmond says C4 on the freighter would be nearly impossible to defuse without blowing it up

    • The Others, Kate, and Sayid free Ben
    • Keamy is killed by Richard Alpert (or so it seems), but the freighter doesn't blow up - we are left to wonder if it wasn't supposed to have been a metronome monitoring his pulse like the prop seemed to hint

  • Flashforward:
    • Hurley has visitors - Walt and his grandma
    • Walt says that Jeremy Bentham came to see him
    • Walt to Hurley: "I don't understand why you're all lying."
    • Hurley: "We're lying because it's the only way to protect everyone that didn't come back."
    • Walt: "Like my dad?"
    • Hurley: "Like your dad, yeah."
  • Present:
    • Locke to Jack: "I would like you to stay... You're not supposed to go home."
    • Locke: [After going home,] "You're going to have to lie about everything... it's the only way to protect it" [the Island]
    • Locke: "It's not an island. It's a place where miracles happen."
    • Ben to Jack: "I'd want to be on that boat within the hour."
    • Locke: "Lie to them, Jack... they'll believe you."

    • Michael is going to try to freeze the battery attached to the C4
    • Michael is happy to hear that Sun is pregnant

    • Miles: "I'm surprised you want to leave?"
    • "After all the time you've spent trying to get back here"

    • "Is this the magic box?" "No, John, it's not."

    • The Orchid - Station 6 of 6
    • Dr. Edgar Halliwax: "conduct unique experiments in both space and time"
    • vault "adjacent to negatively charged exotic matter"
    • "avoid leaving inorganic materials inside chamber"
    • "metallic objects must never be placed within the vault"
    • Ben puts a bunch of metal stuff in chamber
    • Someone called up the elevator, Ben asked Locke for his gun
    • Keamy was wearing body armor, hence Richard Alpert didn't actually kill him
    • Ben stabs Keamy in the neck, kills him, triggers the remote to set off the C4
      • Ben didn't care about the people on the boat, cared more about getting revenge for his daughter
    • Charlotte decides to stay "For now, anyway"
    • Charlotte says she wants to find the place where she was born - on the island. This is more evidence that she worked for the DHARMA Initiative

    • Sawyer whispers something to Kate - to find Cassidy Phillips? Something about Clementine?
    • He jumps from the helicopter to lighten the load because of a fuel leak, and he swims back to the island

  • PART 3
  • Flashforward:
    • Sayid kills someone outside of Santa Rosa - asked the man for the time, 8:15
    • Sayid visits Hurley - "This isn't a visit. I want you to come with me."
    • "Bentham's dead. Two days ago. They said it was suicide... We're being watched. I just killed a man who's been perched outside this facility for the past week."
    • Not going back, are we?
    • No, just somewhere safe?
    • Okay then.
    • Hurley: "Checkmate, Mr. Eko."

  • Present:
    • Locke tries to save Keamy's life, fails
    • "Wherever you go, he'll find you." "Not if I find him first."
    • Red light comes on on freighter
    • Michael's battery freezing plan worked, but only 5 mins left of ice in the tank
    • Christian Shephard appeared to Michael, Michael didn't know who he was, Christian told Michael "You can go now" and the freighter blew up -- with Michael and (presumably) Jin still on board
    • Frank refused to turn the helicopter around -- is Frank one of the two people that Sun blames for her husband's death?

  • Flashforward:
    • Sun sees Charles Widmore exiting a building
    • Sun: "You and I have common interests"
    • We're not the only ones who left the island
    • "Miss Kwon, why would you want to help me?"

  • Present:
    • Sawyer swims back shirtless, finds Juliet drinking rum on the beach
    • Sawyer looks back and sees the smoke from the boat
    • Ben: "I'm going somewhere cold" - puts on Halliwax jacket
    • Ben: "The island wants me to suffer the consequences"
    • Ben: "Whoever moves the island can never come back"
    • John is now the leader of The Others
    • Ben walks down a tunnel into an icy cold cave
    • Looks up, says "I hope you're happy now, Jacob"
    • Prys frozen wheel loose, turns it
      • This must be the "frozen donkey wheel"
    • Another purple sky, then the island disappears and there's nowhere to land, the helicopter takes a really nasty crash and flips upside-down frontways - how in the world could anyone survive that? Especially the baby! But everyone does

  • Flashforward:
    • Claire to Kate in a dream: "Don't bring him back, Kate. Don't you dare bring him back" [Aaron]
    • Kate to Aaron: "I'm sorry."
      • Kylene theorizes that Kate apologized to Aaron because she's going back

  • Present:
    • On a raft, Hurley tells everyone that Locke moved the island
    • Frank Lapidus sees a boat
    • Rather than celebrating, Jack looks serious and tells everyone that they're going to have to lie
    • Jack: "Just let me do the talking"

    • Searcher is the name of the ship
    • One of the guys from the Listening Station is on board!
    • Desmond sees Penny!
    • Des: "How did you find me?"
    • Pen: "Your phone call. I have a tracking station."
    • Des: "I love you Penny, and I'll never leave you again."
    • Jack immediately tells Penny that he needs to talk to her
    • They're going to Mumbata, "because it's the only way to keep them safe" -Sayid
    • Jack: "Don't let him find you, Desmond. And I'll see you in another life, brother."

  • Flashforward:
    • Jack going to Hoffs/Drawlar Funeral Home to see Jeremy Bentham's casket - this time it's at night, Jack breaks in
    • Ben shows up, asks: "Did he tell you that I was off the island?"
    • Jack: "Yes, he did."
    • Ben: "When did you speak to him?"
    • Jack: "About a month ago."
    • Ben: "And Kate?"
    • Jack: "Yeah, yeah he came to see her too. He told me that after I left the island, some very bad things happened and he told me that it was my fault for leaving and he said that I had to come back."
    • Ben: "I'm here to tell you that the island won't let you come alone. All of you have to go back."
    • Jack: "Sun blames me for..."
    • Ben: "This is the way it has to be, Jack. It's the only way."
    • Jack: "How?"
    • Ben: "I have a few ideas."
    • Ben: "Jack, I said all of you. We're going to have to bring him, too."
    • John Locke is Jeremy Bentham! Why does he have a different name?
      • Kylene thinks because he couldn't be recognized because he's not one of the Oceanic Six
      • How did he get back from the island?

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Season 5 Premiere - Live Podcast Tonight!

As usual, I'm hosting a live podcast tonight after the new episode airs in the Pacific time zone. Listen, chat, or call in on TalkShoe at 11:00 PM Pacific (2:00 AM Eastern) to participate in the live show!

Many of you are probably wondering what happened to part 3 of the Kris White interview, or even more likely, the review of the Season 4 finale. They'll be posted soon. I really needed a break from the podcast during the hiatus. Thank you for your patience. Between my full-time job and having a family, there's very little time left over for podcasting. I think I'm going to be doing a lot less editing this season so I can hopefully post the podcast episodes sooner.

Talk to you tonight!

Do you have a product or service that you'd like to market to thousands of LOST fans? Find out how you can become a sponsor of this blog and podcast! Send an e-mail to thelostmeister+marketing at gmail dot com.
