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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jay & Jack's LIVE Podcast Tonight!

Jay and Jack (from The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack, of course) are hosting a live 25-hour charity podcast for Autism Speaks. They've asked me to moderate the discussion from 9 PM to 10 PM Pacific tonight. Other planned guests for the hour are:
We're going to discuss LOST mysteries and theories. It should be a lot of fun! Join in on Ustream at 9 PM Pacific (midnight Eastern) to hear my segment, or any time after 2 PM Pacific which is when the 25-hour marathon begins. And don't forget to donate to Autism Speaks!

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Time Paradox and the Space/Time Continuum

This post was written by Master Nak. Welcome back to the blog, Nak! ~tJM

Ok, I admit I am stealing this theory from Bob Zemeckis and the Back To The Future writers, but I have a hunch that the rule applies in Lost as well.

In BTTF Part 2, Doc Brown said that if the same person from two different time periods ran into his/herself, the meeting would cause a "time paradox," and could potentially rupture the entire space/time continuum. Earlier on in the season, Locke saw the light from the Hatch shining into the night sky, and knew that if he kept going in that direction, he would find his past self. However, something made him turn away and lead the others away with him. I know Locke later gave an explanation for shifting his course, but I think there was a deeper reason - he couldn't run into himself because it would cause a time paradox.

This would also explain why Ben is still on the island in the present day and did not jump back with Jack, Hurley and Kate. The possibility of old Ben running into young Ben (who was on the island with the Dharma Initiative) prevented him from jumping through time. And in the most recent episode, "LaFleur," Charlotte's corpse disappeared when everyone jumped to 1974. We know that Charlotte was on the island as a little girl during this time; she could not possibly simultaneously exist as both dead and alive.

The space/time continuum seems to be "course correcting" to prevent the occurrence of a time paradox.

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Pendulum Window Locations Map

A couple weeks ago in the episode "316", we were briefly shown several latitude and longitude coordinates of places where the Island had been or would be going. Regular podcast caller/chat participant James721 posted a map on his LOST blog with each of the six locations marked on it:

Thanks for passing that along, James!

UPDATE: Curt Yanko from The Black Rock LOST Podcast has a different take on where the coordinates should be mapped. Check out Curt Yanko's map as well.

Do you have a product or service that you'd like to market to thousands of LOST fans? Find out how you can become a sponsor of this blog and podcast! Send an e-mail to thelostmeister+marketing at gmail dot com.
