Pendulum Window Locations Map
A couple weeks ago in the episode "316", we were briefly shown several latitude and longitude coordinates of places where the Island had been or would be going. Regular podcast caller/chat participant James721 posted a map on his LOST blog with each of the six locations marked on it:
Thanks for passing that along, James!
UPDATE: Curt Yanko from The Black Rock LOST Podcast has a different take on where the coordinates should be mapped. Check out Curt Yanko's map as well.
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Labels: episode commentary
The points on the map are wrong. They should all be, except for one, in the southern hemisphere. Several are also in the 'west' and not all 'east' so they'd be on the other side of the date line.
One of the points has an invalid 'minutes' number but I assume some of these numbers were 'flipping' in that screen cap.
I published a Google with the points plotted corrrectly.
Here's a link to Curt Yanko's map.
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